Sunday, April 4, 2010 Blog

West J (2010),Vermont, USA, viewed 5/4/2010,

This is an authoritative and well designed blog produced by Jessamyn West. Jessamyn has worked in the library industry since 1994 and is a former member of the American Library Association council, a current moderator on Metafilter, an author of many library related books and articles and has her own entry on Wikipedia. This blog was voted number one in the Top 25 Librarian Bloggers on the Online Educational Database website in 2007. It has been established since 1999 and is active and frequently updated . Jessamyn is known for her unconventional views on her profession and is very politically active and aware. She states she is anti-censorship and pro-freedom.
The blog has links to a "Frequently Asked Questions" page, a comprehensive "About" page and to her "Talks" page. The blog covers a range of issues related to the library industry and in pariticular the political pressures in the USA.

Draw backs are that the blog doesn't provide a list of subjects covered or a search field to enable you to search the blog for your subjects of interest.

1 comment:

  1. Another really interesting blog. This one is clearly designed to stimulate discussionand critical thought.
